Laying Plastic Mulch


Plastic mulch comes in a roll and can be used to warm the soil so gardeners can start tomatoes and melons earlier in the season. It can also be useful as a weed barrier and to retain water in the soil. In a commercial setting, growers use a machine to lay the mulch. Here are some tips for home gardeners to do this manually.

            1.) Prepare the soil by applying fertilizer based on soil test recommendations. Once the soil is covered fertilizer cannot be applied topically.

            2.)Work the soil so the bed can be shaped easily.

            3.) Form a trench along all sides of the bed, six-inches in from the edge. Pull the soil to the outside of the bed. The edges of the plastic will be buried in this trench so ensure it is deep enough to accommodate.

            4.) Lay drip irrigation tubing down the center of the bed. Though not required, it will greatly facilitate watering and reduce runoff.

            5.) Roll out the plastic mulch. Cover the edges with soil in the trench.

            6.) Evaluate soil temperature for several days to ensure it is stable and ready for planting.

When the soil reaches proper planting temperature (crop dependent), make an “x” in the plastic with a knife or burn a hole with a hand-held propane torch in each spot where a plant will be placed.


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