Growing Hare´s Foot Fern in Kansas


Scott Eckert, KSU County Extension Agent, Horticulture

Hare´s Foot Fern is also called the Rabbit´s Foot Fern and is sometimes called the “Good Luck” plant because of its charming silvery-brown, fur-like rhizomes! The genus of this fern is Davaillia.  Hare´s Foot Fern is a tree fern that is most noted for its distinctive “fuzzy” rhizomes that grow out of its container. Enjoy this interesting plant in a wire frame, moss-lined, hanging basket where it´s distinctive “rabbits feet” will be readily visible.


Hare´s Foot Fern prefers to grow bright, indirect light. Avoid placing it in direct sun. Being a tropical plant, it prefers warm to average home temperatures and tolerates lower levels of humidity. Allow the soil to dry somewhat between waterings. Do not keep constantly moist.

Special Care:

Proper care of Hare´s Foot Fern´s rhizomes is very important. A rhizome is a modified stem, not a root, and it should not be underneath the soil. Rhizomes should be able to lay on top of the soil, and small roots will grow from parts of rhizomes that touch the soil. The growing medium should be high in organic matter with good drainage. A quality professional potting media is ideal.

Fertilizer may be applied at ¼ – ½ recommended strength about every 4-6 weeks during spring, summer and fall.

Potential Pest Problems: scale insects, spider mites, and mealy bugs

Propagation: Propagate Hare´s Foot Fern by sprinkling spores (dusty brown material growing in spots on the undersides of fronds) over a moist surface and letting them grow. It can also be propagated by dividing rhizomes, pinning them down with bent wire so they touch the soil, and waiting for them to form roots.


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