Dormant Oil Sprays for Fruit Trees


There are a number of dormant sprays used on fruit to control
various diseases and insects, but a dormant oil spray is designed to
control scale insects. If you have a problem with scale, now is the time
to start looking for an opportunity to spray. Normally spray should be
applied by March 1, especially with peaches and nectarines.
Apples are tougher, and application may be delayed up to the green
tip stage. Temperatures need to be at least 40 degrees so spray has a
chance to dry before freezing. If the spray does freeze before it dries,
plant injury can occur. Applying the spray during the morning will help
insure that it dries properly. Thorough coverage of limbs, branches, and
twigs is vital for good control. Note that it is much easier to achieve
good spray coverage if the tree is pruned before spraying.


By: Ward Upham


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