Chores you can do in October and November

Horticulture News


With the freeze coming now or later it’s time to think of those chores you can do in October and November.

• Plant spring flowering bulbs, such as tulips, daffodils, and crocus, for a splash of early season color.
• Remove dead annuals from the garden.
• Trim perennial stalks to tidy the garden for winter.
• Pot bulbs for indoor forcing.
• Clean up dead iris and peony foliage and destroy it to decrease the spread of disease.
• After a light frost, dig canna, gladiolus, dahlias and other tender bulbs for winter storage.
• Make notes about the garden to document successes and failures.
• Continue to mow the lawn if necessary, bluegrass 2 inches, tall fescue 2½ inches.
• Core aerate turf to reduce soil compaction, improve drainage, break up thatch, and help nutrients move into the soil.
• Control dandelions, henbit, and chickweed with a broadleaf herbicide while seedlings are young.
• Sharpen mower blade for a clean cut.
• Check oil level in your lawn mower.
• Keep fallen leaves removed from the lawn to prevent shading and dieback on grass.
Trees and Shrubs
• Plant new trees and shrubs and keep them watered during dry winter months.
• Once the leaves have fallen, transplant trees and shrubs.
• Trim dead, broken, or diseased branches from trees and shrubs.
• Enjoy fall leaf color, which normally hits its peak about the third week of October.


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