Challenging Lawn Weeds

Horticulture News


There are special weeds that grow in our lawns. They are special because they are very challenging to get rid of. Yellow Nutsedge, often called nutgrass, is a member of the sedge family. It is neither a grass nor a broadleaf weed. Nutsedge can be recognized by its triangular-shaped stem. Although classified as a warm-season perennial, it begins growth early in the growing season.
Nutsedge can be one of the most difficult lawn weeds to eradicate. It forms nutlets about the size of a kernel of wheat in the soil. The nutlets grow new plants and will also produce seed if not mowed. Hand removal of mature plants is not effective because the nutlets remain in the soil.

Products with halosulfuron (Sedghammer) are effective if used at the 3-to-8 leaf stage. Repeat applications may be necessary.

Products with sulfentrazone such as Bonide Sedge Ender, Fertilome Weed-Out Nutsedge Control, Ortho Nutsedge Killer, and Spectracide Weed Stop for Lawns Plus Crabgrass Killer are also effective but often require



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