Cabbage Worms


This is the time of year we normally start seeing damage from
cabbage worms. The imported cabbage worm is usually the first cabbage
worm species to appear and is a fuzzy, elongated green worm. Larvae come
from eggs laid by the white butterfly often seen flitting around the
plants. Early control is essential to reduce injury. BT (Bacillus
thuringiensis) and spinosad (Borer, Bagworm, Leafminer and Tent
Caterpillar Spray; Captain Jack’s Dead Bug Brew) are effective organic
products that are labeled for this pest. BT can be found in Dipel,
Thuricide and other similar materials. Direct sunlight deactivates BT
quickly so it is helpful to spray late in the day or on a cloudy day.
Conventional insecticides such as carbaryl (Sevin), malathion and
methoxychlor are also effective but will kill natural enemies of these
pests. Be sure to hit the underside of leaves where insects feed. Note
that hitting the underside of leaves is easier when using a dust applied
with a duster than when using a liquid spray. (Ward Upham)


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