Apple Tree Sprays    


Apples are the fruit most likely to be damaged by diseases and insects of any fruit grown in Kansas.  Two common diseases on apple trees are cedar apple rust and apple scab. Though some apple varieties are resistant to these diseases — including Liberty, Jonafree, Redfree, Freedom and Williams Pride — most varieties are susceptible. For a listing of the disease resistance of various cultivars, go to:

Fungicide sprays during April and May are critical to preventing disease on susceptible varieties. The first spray should go down when leaves appear. A fungicide that is available to homeowners and very effective for control of apple scab and cedar apple rust is myclobutanil (Immunox, Fungi-Max and F-Stop Lawn & Garden Fungicide). There are several formulations of Immunox but only one is labeled for fruit. Check the label.  Sprays should be done on a 7- to 10-day schedule to keep the protective chemical cover on the rapidly developing leaves and fruit.  These diseases are usually only a problem during April and May.

An insecticide will need to be added to this mixture after petal drop to prevent damage from codling moths that cause wormy apples.  We have five products that can be used.  They are listed below along with the maximum number of sprays that can be used per year.

Product                       Maximum Number of Sprays/Year

Bonide Malathion                               2

Bonide Fruit Tree Spray                     2

Bonide Fruit Tree and Plant Guard    4

Cyd-X                                                 No limit

In order to protect bees, DO NOT use any insecticide during bloom.  Wait until petal fall.

Although gardeners may continue to use myclobutanil after May, certain other fungicides are more effective on summer diseases such as sooty blotch and fly speck. Consider using Bonide Fruit Tree and Plant Guard or Bonide Fruit Tree Spray after petal drop as both contain an insecticide(s) and fungicide(s). However, you are limited in the number of applications per year allowed.

An organic control with the trade name Cyd-X is also labeled but will control only codling moth.

A spreader-sticker can be added to the fungicide-insecticide chemical mixture to improve the distribution and retention of the pest control chemicals over the leaves and fruit. Sprays are applied every 10 to 14 days. A hard, driving rain of about 1 inch or more will likely wash chemicals from the leaves and fruit. In such cases, another application should be made.

 Another organic control that is often overlooked is bagging. There are bags made specifically for this purpose and are called Japanese apple bags.  However,  3 lb paper bags (lunch bags) can work as well.  Cut the lunch bags down to six inches long and cut a slit to slip over the stem of the apple.  Place the bag over a single fruit when it is the size of quarter (about 3 weeks after petal fall) and secure with a twist tie.  The bag should be removed three weeks before harvest to allow the apples to color.  The Japanese apple bags already have the slit cut and a twist tie built in.  Once the bags are placed on the fruit, no additional sprays are needed.  The bags prevent both fungus diseases and attacks by insects.  For a video illustrating all the steps required for bagging apples, see .  Following are the steps that need to be taken if bags are not used and the trees will be sprayed.

        Leaves Appear: Immunox, Fungi-Max or F-Stop Lawn & Garden Fungicide

        Petal Drop: Add insecticide to the Immunox, Fungi-Max or F-Stop.  The mixture is Immunox, Fungi-Max or F-Stop + one of the listed insecticides.

June 1: Drop the Immunox, Fungi-Max or F-Stop so you are applying only Bonide Fruit Tree and Plant Guard or Bonide Tree Fruit spray.  Another option is to use one of the other listed insecticides plus Captan.

Spray every 10 to 14 days from the first application until the last.  The last application would be either until the fruit is bagged or two weeks before harvest.  Actually my last application goes down about August 15 as I don’t have many problems past then.

Ward Upham, Extension Agent


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