2024 Water Garden Tour


What – 2024 Water Garden Tour, produced by The Kansas Pond Society.


When – June 15-16, Saturday 9 to 5 p.m., Sunday Noon to 5 p.m.


Where – Thirteen locations throughout Wichita/Metropolitan Area listed on the ticket map and brochure.


Why – An invitation to tour various water gardens and 

Features and to visit with homeowners and others who have experienced the facets of designing, building, and maintaining backyard ponds and water features. In addition, we invite the public to join or attend the monthly meetings The Kansas Pond Society has all year. Information is included in the ticket/map brochure.


How much? – Only ten dollars per carload buys an unforgettable opportunity to tour a variety of unique and interesting sites over two days! This tour is a great way to spend the Father’s Day weekend! Ticket/Map brochures can be purchased at both Johnson’s Garden Centers, Scenic Landscape, and Hong’s Landscape and Nursery.


Background Every summer The Kansas Pond Society selects a variety of local water gardens and ponds for the public to visit and enjoy. Varying in size and features, from a few hundred to several thousand gallons, situated in small yards and yards up to several acres, these ponds will get each visitor’s attention. You can talk with each homeowner on how they were designed, built and are maintained. Featuring fish, from goldfish to colorful Koi, these backyard retreats can create an oasis within the smallest of city lots.


This is one of the goals of The Kansas Pond Society:

to encourage potential members to join them at any of their monthly meetings and learn from members, gaining confidence from their experiences designing, building and maintaining oriental ponds and water features. There are also their famous ‘potluck’ dinners that have become a highlight of each meeting.


Featured on this tour you will see a diversity of streams, waterfalls, and beautiful water plants (some growing in the water, some along the bank nearby). Throughout the tour sites one can enjoy the creative and personal touch some homeowners have performed in converting their backyards into sanctuaries. Your Tour ticket will also give you admission into Botanica, The Wichita Gardens. There 

are several water attractions to enjoy, many of which The Kansas Pond Society have helped build and maintain over the years.


Our club’s president, Mike Kandt, is available for interviews and information. He can be reached at 316-619-7501. Or you can contact our Advertising and Publicity person, Ron Williams. Video and photo files are available upon request.


Ron Williams, 316-755-2476, [email protected]


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