Weight management: Avoiding portion distortion in the new year


Christeena Haynes, MS, RD, LD, Nutrition and Health Education Specialist, Dallas County, University of Missouri Extension

Many people’s resolutions relate to weight loss and healthy eating habits. To help manage your weight throughout the entire year, it is important to use portion control. Apply the following tips to avoid falling into the portion distortion trap in the new year.

  • When eating at home, read food labels and pay attention to serving sizes as well as number of servings in a package. Purchase pre-packaged single-serving foods, such as applesauce cups, or buy in bulk and then package single serving sizes of those foods yourself to help prevent you from overeating. Eating on a smaller plate is also an easy way to cut down on consumption.
  • When eating at a restaurant, split your meal with someone or take half home for your next meal. Another option is to order a half-portion or an appetizer as your meal. Many times dishes served at restaurants are much larger than we need, so not only do these methods help us eat in moderation, but they save us money as well. Avoid “super-sizing” your order at fast food restaurants even if it seems like a better deal.

For more tips, read the full version of this article at http://missourifamilies.org/features/nutritionarticles/nut417.htm


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