The Covered Dish: White jello


What a wonderful start to 2015!  It was such a great new start that I put 2014 on

the title of this column!   No, actually I am looking forward to 2015 as a year of

change in many aspects.  Change means growth and hopefully modifications that

will benefit not only myself, but the entire family.

On New Year’s Day we enjoyed a delicious crab boil at the home of local friends.

We had a great time and I came away with a few new recipes that I hope to share

with all of you over the next few weeks.  The one I’m doing today is simply called,

‘white jello’.  I know, a rather interesting title, but this little dish has sooooo many

different possibilities it’s amazing.  When I asked my friend, Rochelle, where this

dish originated she said a friend from Chicago shared it with her years ago.

What I like best about this little recipe is how it can be used in a multitude of

ways. You’ll want to watch because in just a few weeks I’m going to modify this

dish into a new margarita dessert.  Rochelle also indicated that she has used this

recipe as either an appetizer or a dessert.  Nothing I like better than versatility!

If you’re like me you will probably desire to whip your own whipped cream in lieu

of prepared ‘cool whip’.  Just do whatever floats your boat on that subject.  As

you look at the ingredients more closely you can make it richer in a variety of


If you have special dietary needs you may go with the low-fat cream cheese and

skim milk and a lower fat whipped cream.  On the sugar I think you’ll find that

most sugar substitutes will work quite well.  If you’re wondering about the 2

tablespoons of lemon juice I will tell you it really isn’t detected much by the taste


The recipe indicates that you are to prepare it in a jello mold.  You do not have to

go this route.  A nice presentation can be achieved using an ice cream scoop.

Rochelle indicates using a fresh fruit sauce over the dish.  This can easily be

achieved with fresh fruit, cornstarch, sugar and your choice of liquid.   We

enjoyed it with fresh red raspberries.

How many appetizers or desserts can you expect to serve with the white jello?

I would estimate at least 10 if not 10-15.  Depending upon the size of the servings.

I am excited to tell everyone that things are well underway for my next cookbook.

I’m planning on spending a great deal of January and February getting it

completed.  I’ve also signed on to substitute in our school district.  The first

Saturday in February, the 7th, I will be doing a class at the Cook’s Nook in

McPherson, Kansas.  Class time will be 10am and if the first session sells out I’m

on board to do an afternoon class at 1pm.  Contact the Cook’s Nook at 620-241-

7180 to reserve your spot.  The menu is a Mexican themed Valentine Dinner.

Have an outstanding week.  Simply Yours, The Covered Dish.

White Jello

By Rochelle Boertje

2 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese

1 cup sugar

2 tablespoons lemon juice

2 cups milk

1 teaspoon vanilla

2 envelopes Knox (unflavored) gelatin (.25 each packet or 2 1/2 teaspoons ea.)

2/3 cup water

1 (8 ounce) container cool whip

Dissolve gelatin in cold water and then bring it to a boil on the stovetop or

microwave.  Set aside in refrigerator to cool for a few minutes.

Cream together the cream cheese and sugar; add lemon juice, vanilla and milk

until smooth.  Add the gelatin a small amount at a time.  Stir in the cool whip last

being careful not to overwork.  Pour into a jello mold coated with cooking spray.

Allow to set overnight.  Invert mold onto a platter.  Serve with fresh fruit sauces

as an appetizer, side or dessert.  Makes a large ring mold.


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