Reusing school supplies


Lucy Schrader, Associate State Specialist and Building Strong Families Program Coordinator, Personal Financial Planning, University of Missouri Extension

School starts soon for many communities, and with the new school year there is the need for new school supplies. But do all of the supplies have to be new? For some families, the cost of buying new supplies can be difficult with an already tight budget. Putting together a mix of new and used supplies can help ease the cost. Oftentimes, notebooks, colored pencils and other items are still in good shape from the previous school year, and some schools send supplies home at the end of the year.

Getting kids involved can help them understand how reusing supplies is resourceful and how it can be good for the family financially. You can also talk about trade-offs and how decisions impact the family in different ways…

With a push toward consuming less and making better use of the resources we already have, try these ideas for reusing school supplies:


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