Make a resolution to get finances in order for the new year


After spending big during the holidays, many people make getting their financial house in order a top New Year’s resolution.

“Any day is a good day to make financial resolutions,” said Janet LaFon, family financial education specialist, University of Missouri Extension.

There are, however, several key areas in financial planning, like keeping financial records, starting a savings plan and getting a will done, that people need to remember all year according to LaFon.

“One of the best things a person can do is set up a home filing system for financial records. This will make it easier to find your financial information when it is needed. If you already have a system, spend time cleaning out items no longer needed,” said LaFon.

The New Year is also a good time to review beneficiaries named in insurance policies and wills to make sure those named are still the people you want to include.

Get more tips for personal finance goals in the full version of this article at


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