How to Raise Kind Children


November 13, 2015 is World Kindness Day

Encouraging kindness in children is an important responsibility for all adults who care for children. You can help children show kindness toward others and experience the positive feelings that grow out of kind and caring behavior.

  • Set a good example. Children learn constantly from adults’ words and actions.
  • Even with your busy schedule, you can involve children in acts of kindness. By helping an elderly neighbor or giving canned goods to a food bank, you can demonstrate your concern for others.
  • Explain to children why you want them to engage in kind behavior…

For the complete list and additional ways to teach your children about kindness based on their age and stage of development, see the full version of this article at MissouriFamilies.

Adapted by:  Kim Leon, Ph.D., former State Specialist, Human Development and Family Studies, University of Missouri Extension

Source: Newsletter, MissouriFamilies

Picture Credit: Clip Art Hut




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