Holiday Cookie Tips


It’s time to start planning to make holiday cookies! These special treats are a favorite in many households and make great gifts. Here are some time-saving tips:

  • Check your spices and replenish if they are old. Spices lose their flavor over time.
  • Measure accurately. Use the standard measuring equipment for best results, as in those designed for measuring: not a tea or drinking cup.
  • Stir flour before measuring and spoon it into the measuring cup. Level off the flour with a knife unless the recipe instructs different.
  • Maximize your cookie variety by making different shapes or styles of cookies from the same type of dough.
  • If making bar cookies, try cutting them into diamonds or triangles for a new look on a favorite recipe.
  • Make cookie dough now and freeze it to bake later. Shape dough into cookies before freezing to save even more time.

By Susan Jackson, County Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Science


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