Becoming a sibling


Amanda Kowal, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Human Development & Family Studies, University of Missouri

Becoming a sibling
Imagine if your husband or wife brought another spouse home and said “Honey, I love you so much, you are so wonderful, that I want to have another spouse just like you to come live with us!” and then was surprised that you were upset. This is sort of how your firstborn child feels when you have a new child. He or she has been at the center of your love and attention, and then all of the sudden you bring another child home. The change can be difficult for children because:

  • Children worry that their parents are less available
  • It is hard for young children to share, particularly something as important as their parents’ attention
  • Children worry that they are losing their parents’ love

To learn more about preparing your child before and after the birth of your new child, see the full version of this article at


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