April 10th is National Sibling Day


Does birth order make a difference?

Nina Chen, Ph.D., CFLE, Human Development Specialist, Jackson County, University of Missouri Extension

All children are unique and have different needs. Sometimes these needs can be influenced by a child’s birth order or if he or she is an only child.

Often, first-born children are raised differently from later-born children. Parents give the first-born child more attention, more talking, more holding and take more photographs. First-born children are more serious and more sensitive to their parents’ expectations. They are more conscientious on observing rules and demonstrate a leadership role, as well as a sense of dependency from parents. Research psychologists found that first-borns have higher motivation to achieve than their younger siblings. When a second child arrives, the first-born may feel dethroned. With this role comes a new responsibility.

Middle-born children tend to avoid conflict and are negotiators. They don’t have the authority of the oldest and the freedom of the youngest…

Learn more about the youngest children, children without siblings and more in the full version of this article at http://missourifamilies.org/features/parentingarticles/parenting97.htm


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