Historical Council Grove Pageant depicts tensions


Frank J. Buchman

First settlers in Council Grove on the Santa Fe Trail were intruders on Native Americans already long-established area residents.
“Times when Native American and Euro-American cultures collided 150 years ago are being relived at Council Grove,” said Sharon Haun.
“Voices of the Wind People is an historically accurate depiction of the tensions surrounding those events,” the committee chairperson explained.
The pageant will be in the new Neosho River Amphitheater Friday and Saturday evenings, September 17-18, at 8 o’clock.
“Pre-performance music and activities will begin at 7 o’clock, so plan to arrive early,” Haun encouraged.
Performances take the audience back in time to the mid-1850s presenting changes affecting two vastly different cultures. As the Kaw people were being relocated and European American settlers were populating Council Grove, co-existence proved to be intense.
“Their stories are told in alternating perspectives of the Kaw Nation and the new settlers,” Haun said.
Chief Allegawaho, recorded by his real life descendent, Luther Pepper, narrates the Kaw story. Seth Hays, performed by Council Grove resident Mark Brooks, recounts the rural town’s version.
Written by Ron Parks and first performed in 1992, the dramatization eventually became a biennial production until last year.
“Coronavirus issues caused cancelation of that scheduled presentation with the last pageant in 20218,” Haun said. “However, this year’s pageant will be even more special as we commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Santa Fe Trail.”
This multimedia production incorporates historic photos, images of the prairie landscape, and video montages. There will be live-action re-enactments of a pack train, wagon train, stagecoach, gunfights, dancing, tepees, and a Kanza campfire.
Entirely volunteer staff and performers present the two-hour production “Thirty members of the Kaw Nation travel to Council Grove from Kaw City, Oklahoma, to portray their ancestors,” Haun said. “They enact village scenes and perform dramatic roles and traditional dances.”
Stadium seats or cushions are encouraged as the seating in the amphitheater is built of native limestone.
“There will be a historical horse drawn wagon show and a mountain man encampment,” Hawn said. “Speakers and demonstrations are scheduled to discuss and present skills needed on the original Santa Fe Trail.”
Additional details and ticket information can be found at voicesofthewindpeople.com, as well as santafetrail200.com, and on Facebook.

Voices of the Wind People pageant will depict tension of Kaw people and early day settlers Friday and Saturday evenings, September 17-18, at Council Grove.
Kaw Nation people will travel from Kaw City, Oklahoma, to perform dramatic rolls for the Voices of the Wind People pageant September 17-18, at Council Grove.
A wagon train and horseback riders are among features for Council Grove’s Voices of the Wind People pageant September 17-18.


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