Veteran Lifetime Electronic Record Preparing to Launch


Kansas Veterans to Benefit from KHIN Partnership Providing VA and Non-VA Health Care Providers Access to Electronic Patient Health Records

The Kansas Health Information Network, Inc. (KHIN) is pleased to announce a partnership with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Veteran Lifetime Electronic Record program scheduled to launch statewide December 2015.

KHIN is the health information exchange (HIE) in Kansas integrating with the VA’s Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record Health Exchange (VLER), creating electronic records connectivity for Kansas VA patients.

Veteran Lifetime Electronic Record, voluntary program that, with patient authorization, will allow certain parts of a Veteran’s VA health record to be shared electronically with non-VA health care providers. This shared patient record access allows for improved care coordination at numerous points of care and eliminates the necessity to carry paper records between health care providers.

The more than 200,000 Kansas VA patients can register now for Connect Your Docs by filling out the form online at then mailing, faxing, or submitting it in person. KHIN and the VA request that VA patients complete and submit the form before their next medical visit so the authorization is on record before future treatment is required.

VA patients who have questions about Veteran Lifetime Electronic Record program can visit, call 877.771.8537, or go to a local VA health center.

As a provider-led organization, KHIN is renowned as one of the largest, most successful health information exchanges (HIE) in the country with more than 1,200 participating providers, hospitals, clinics and other health care related facilities. KHIN’s mission is to improve health care quality, coordination and efficiency through the exchange of health information at the point of care utilizing a secure electronic network, provided by a collaboration of health care organizations.

For more information about KHIN visit or call 877.520.5446


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