Treating Your Body Like a Computer


By Susan Jackson, County Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Science

In America most people are running at a fast pace.  They are trying to participate in many activities, take care of family, volunteer, to name a few of the ways we spend time.

If your body was a computer, would it receive lots of error messages?  Is it beginning to run slower and take longer to start?
Here is a checklist from Alice Henneman, MS, RD at University of Nebraska Extension to help optimize your performance and prevent crashing.

Are you trying to run too many programs at the same time? 

If you are operating less efficient because there are too many activities making demands on your system, shut down some programs or simplify.  Some examples include:

If time is tight, rather than make a special company dinner from scratch invite people for a potluck meal.

Choose a simpler hairstyle.

Use the cook ones, serve twice or for more meals.  An example of this is to cook a roast and use plan-overs for another meal such as a casserole or sandwiches.

Is your anti-virus software up-to-date and running?

If you’re susceptible to every bug that comes around, it’s time to check if you’re eating right, getting enough sleep, being physically active and reducing stress.  The cost and time for repairs may be greater than the amount needed for prevention.

Is your battery dangerously low?   

In Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, he advocated a balanced program for self-renewal in these four areas of your life: physical, social/emotional, mental and spiritual.

Recharge by living a healthy lifestyle, making meaningful connections with others, stimulating your mind and devoting time to your spiritual renewal.

Are you bogged down by unneeded files and programs?

Remove anything from your life that isn’t needed and slows your overall performance.

Do you still belong to a club or organization that no longer meets your needs or interest?  The time you are giving this activity is taking time from something else.  Move on!

Do you need to hit “escape”, “undo”, or “delete”?

Learn to say “no” or “later”.

 Time to reboot

Now that you have finished trouble-shooting your personal system, consider making some changes.  Then, reboot your body and enjoy the benefits.


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