The Sweetest Apple On Earth


(NAPS)—A Kiku apple a day can make a terrific snack: A medium-size one has about 100 calories and is a good source of fiber and vitamin C. What’s more, you and your family will likely love its supersweet taste.

Ranking Sweetness

Apples are ranked on a sweetness scale according to brix (the sugar percentage naturally found in the apples). Most apples have a brix of 12 to 14 percent. Apples that are sweeter (such as Gala) are at the high end of that range while traditional apples including Honeycrisp and Red Delicious are in the middle to lower end. Brix levels in Kiku apples, which are said to be quite possibly the sweetest apples you’ll ever taste, typically range from 16 to 17 percent, often even higher.

Kiku apples are also known for their extreme crunch, juiciness, attractively striped, ruby-red color and intriguing origin.

The KIKU Story

It all started back in 1990, when an Italian apple expert by the name of Luis Braun was traveling through Japan. He discovered an apple that was dramatically different from all the other apples in its orchard. He was so mesmerized by its supersweet, full-flavored taste that he took a branch from the tree back with him to Italy. Once home, he painstakingly set out to grow as many trees as he could, making it his mission to share this new flavor with the world.

Within the U.S., KIKU apples are grown in Washington state, Michigan and Pennsylvania—with more trees being planted across expanded acres in those states to ensure that strong demand for KIKU apples is met.

“Kiku is very quickly joining the ranks of premium apples that savvy consumers are increasingly seeking,” said Steve Lutz, Vice President of Marketing for apple grower Columbia Marketing International, Inc. and former CEO for the Washington Apple Commission. “Cultivating new apple trees is a labor of love,” he added. “It can take three to five years to nurture new apple trees. Our growers have been working overtime to bring Kiku to market.”

Smart Snacking

The extreme sweetness of Kiku apples lends appeal to it being a healthy snack option. “It’s a great option to help beat the mid-afternoon slump,” said registered dietitian and food blogger Laura Chalela Hoover, who recommends eating the apple in place of nutrient-void sweets, which often contain processed sugars and additives. “Naturally sweet foods like Kiku can stop sugar cravings and help you break an unhealthy sugar addiction.”

Enjoy An Apple Sandwich

Delicious fresh, these apples also make a wonderful addition to classic dishes, including the grilled cheese sandwich. Simply layer apple slices and your favorite cheese between two slices of bread and grill at a low temperature. The sweet juiciness of the apples melds beautifully with melted cheese, making a warm, tasty treat relished by kids and adults alike.

Kiku apples also make an excellent addition to salads or smothered with peanut butter.

Learn More

For further sweet-apple facts and recipes, go to


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