Stay Healthily Hydrated This Winter


(Family Features) When the mercury drops, it’s more important than ever to stay properly hydrated. During the winter, people may not seem to sweat as much as in the summer, but that doesn’t lessen one’s risk of dehydration.


“As a hospital physician, I’ve seen far too many people succumb to dehydration-related health scares, stemming from high-elevation ski trips to travel to simply forgetting to drink water because it’s cold outside,” says Dr. Ralph E. Holsworth, director of clinical and scientific research for Essentia Water and medical physician at Southeast Colorado Hospital. “Staying properly hydrated can help ensure good health through the winter, reduce dry skin and even help you flush toxins out of your body to reduce the chances of getting a winter cold or flu.”


Boost your body’s hydration

Roughly 75 percent of the North American population is chronically dehydrated. By the time you feel thirsty (and sometimes when you don’t) you may already be getting dehydrated. Whether you’re skiing or just taking a walk on a brisk day, the experts at Essentia Water provide these simple tips to help you stay hydrated throughout the winter season and beyond.

  • Set a daily water intake goal. A good rule of thumb for daily water intake from food and fluids is 2 liters for females and 2.5 liters for males with moderate physical activity levels. Adjust your personal goal to account for climate and activity level. Start your day by filling a tumbler or setting out bottles of your favorite water totaling your goal. Supplement with healthy foods that have high water content like soup, salad and pears.


  • Winter it up. During cooler weather, chilled water isn’t very enticing. To make it more appealing, warm a mug of water or add a burst of flavor from your favorite winter fruit like oranges, tangerines or cranberries. Drop in a cinnamon stick for an added flavor kick and enticing aroma.


  • Check the mirror. A tried and true way to know if you’re getting enough water is to check your mirror. If your skin appears dry and flaky, it’s time to drink more fluids.


  • Drink electrolyte-enhanced alkaline water (also called functional water). Wellness experts agree that disease and infection have a hard time thriving in an alkaline environment. High-pH water can help neutralize acid levels and restore your body to a natural state. Functional water, such as Essentia Water, the top selling alkaline water, can help you avoid or fight winter colds and flu, hydrate your skin and re-hydrate someone who is showing signs of dehydration.


  • Pack the H20. From carrying a backpack to wearing a special hydration pack – it’s important to bring water with you during winter outings. If you simply can’t bring it with you, be sure you have a list of stores that offer bottled water, and keep a supply of it in your car’s trunk for emergencies.


While you may not feel it, your body is in need of proper hydration even on the coldest winter days. For more tips for staying well, visit


Source: Essentia Water


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