Senior Health Insurance Counseling for Kansas Volunteers Needed


Have you heard about SHICK? How about Medicare and Medicaid? I bet you have heard of the later of the two. SHICK stands for Senior Health Insurance Counseling for Kansas. What SHICK does is help the disabled and 65 and older by informing them about all their options. Mostly we are known for our help during Open Enrollment when clients on Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage would look to see if their plan is still the best one. We are a free no-bias service for anyone on Medicare or Medicaid.

How do I help all these clients in Harvey County? With some amazing volunteers! I have 8 volunteers that help me cover the whole county by going to senior centers, nursing homes and many other places. I could not do it without them!

This year we have a goal of reaching more clients during Open Enrollment. Last year, we reached 644 clients that needed to review their Part D. In Harvey County we have over 6,000 65 and older residents. We didn’t even reach half of those! Of those 644 clients we saved them about $201,506!

To reach our goal this year, we need more wonderful volunteers! We need to be out in the county “touching” more of the 65 and older group and letting them know their options. If you are interested in being a volunteer, please give me a call at 316-284-6930. It is not a hard process to become a volunteer and I will work with you the entire way to become one.

Aline Bandeira

Office Professional

K-State Research and Extension, Harvey County

Courthouse, PO Box 583, Newton, KS 67114-0583

Phone: 316-284-6930

Fax: 316-283-6183




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