Red Cross blood shortage continues as thousands answer the call to give


WICHITA, Kan. (July 25, 2018) — Thousands of people have responded to the emergency call for blood and platelet donations issued by the American Red Cross in early July. Still, there continues to be an emergency need for donors of all blood types, especially type O, to give now to address a severe blood shortage.


Red Cross blood donations are being distributed to hospitals faster than they are coming in, and right now there is less than a five-day blood supply on hand. The Red Cross strives to keep a five-day supply of blood to meet the needs of patients and to be prepared for emergencies that require significant volumes of donated blood products.


“Patients don’t get a summer break from the need for lifesaving treatments, so it is critical that hospitals have access to blood products each and every day,” said Jan Hale, communications manager of the Red Cross Central Plains Blood Services Region. “We sincerely appreciate those who have responded to the call to help save lives, but the emergency need remains. Those who haven’t rolled up a sleeve to give are urged to do so today.”


There is a particular need for type O blood, which plays an important role in ongoing patient care and emergencies. Type O positive is the most transfused blood type and can be given to patients with any Rh-positive blood type. Type O negative is the universal blood type and can be given to any patient. It’s what emergency room personnel reach for when there is no time to determine the blood type of patients in the most serious situations.


In thanks, all those who come to donate blood or platelets July 30 through Aug. 30, 2018, will receive a $5 Gift Card via email. (Restrictions apply; see More information and details are available at


Donors of all blood types are urged to make an appointment to give now using the free American Red Cross Blood Donor App, by visiting or by calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

Red Cross


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