Protecting Skin in the Blistering Cold


(NAPSI)—Whether the weather is as bad as some have predicted or merely chilling, it’s a good idea to know how to protect your skin from its effects. Here are five hints to help:

1. Drink (water) to your health. Even in cold weather, it’s wise to stay hydrated to moisturize your skin from the inside out.

2. Fight frostbite. Make sure your fingers and toes are well covered.

3. Don’t shun the sunscreen. Even when it’s cold or cloudy out, UV rays can still be a danger. Wear sunscreen every day.

4. Humor your skin with humidity. Spending time in artificially heated indoor air can dry skin. Consider using a humidifier.

5. Treat your hands and feet to a good moisturizer. People who work or play outdoors and frequent hand washers—including health care workers, chefs, laborers, office professionals, gardeners, athletes, teachers and others—can now get two highly effective moisturizers in an easy-to-use tube that’s also a great size for anyone on the go.

Called O’Keeffe’s Working Hands and O’Keeffe’s Healthy Feet, they were created by a pharmacist. Their unscented, nongreasy formulas naturally hydrate the skin, helping it retain moisture. You can get guaranteed relief for dry hands and feet that crack and split, even if nothing else works.

Key ingredients include:

• Water—Dehydrated skin cells lack elasticity, making skin feel dry and rigid. The products replace the water that skin cells lose daily.

• Glycerin—To accelerate the hydration process, this humectant—at a higher level than in traditional lotions and creams—is used to draw moisture into the skin and slow excessive drying and evaporation.

• Paraffin—Helps maintain the moisture in the skin, delivered by water and glycerin, slowing the evaporation rate.

Because these products are highly concentrated, a little goes a long way. You simply apply a small dab as needed throughout the day, after bathing and hand washing and at night.

Learn More

For further facts, visit where you can also find out about the “Hardworking Hands” Mobile Tour of America, or call (800) 275-2718.


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