National Nutrition Month


By Anne Pitts, CFCS, County Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Science

March is National Nutrition Month; which means I will be talking a little bit about how to better your health with a few simple steps.

Physical fitness is very important! Adults need 150 minutes a week, which seems like a lot, but really isn’t. Breaking that down it could be 21 minutes a day, 50 minutes 3 times a week or 30 minutes 5 times a week. To achieve the 150 minutes, you can run, walk, bike, dance, strength training, Zumba, yoga or anything that gets your heart rate up for more than 10 minutes at a time. My favorite is to run and/or walk.

How do you start this habit? Well, Walk Kansas starts March 19th and it would be a great way to start making physical fitness a habit. Contact the office for more information about Walk Kansas!

Nutrition, eating well, eating better, and fresh are all terms used to describe how you should eat, the other part of living a healthier life style. Everyone should be following MyPlate from the USDA on what you should eat and how much of it. Half your plate should be fruits and vegetables every meal! Also we should eat a little less meat than we do. I love my beef and it is hard to eat less of it!  For more information about portion sizes and how much you should be eating contact the office at 316-284-6930.

It really boils down to nutrition and physical fitness on how to lead a healthier life style. Start small and build as you become comfortable with your new habit. I believe everyone can live a healthier life style by just changing a few simple things.


Aline Bandeira

Office Professional

K-State Research and Extension, Harvey County

Courthouse, PO Box 583, Newton, KS 67114-0583

Phone: 316-284-6930

Fax: 316-283-6183


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