Insomnia remains the most common sleep disorder


There are a wide variety of sleep disorders that impact people of all different shapes and sizes according to Renette Wardlow, a human development specialist with University of Missouri Extension.

“Nearly all of us experience sleeplessness at one time or another. Unlike some problems we grow out of, insomnia remains with many of us through life, changing only in its intensity and its particular form,” said Wardlow.

Sleep problems can be divided into two basic categories: insomnia and then a group that includes all other sleep disorders…

Wardlow notes that the quality of our sleep changes significantly over the course of our lifetime. Beginning gradually in our thirties and accelerating in our forties and fifties, we sleep less soundly. In particular, with increasing age many of us experience nighttime awakenings and a subsequent inability to get back to sleep.

For more information about insomnia and other sleep disorders, see the full version of this article at


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