Getting kids to eat fruits and vegetables


September is Fruits & Veggies – More Matters Month

Gina Lile, former Dietetic Intern, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services; Karen Sherbondy, RD, LD, Extension Associate, University of Missouri Extension

Establishing a love for fruits and vegetables while your children are young will help them be healthy now and in the future. A diet high in colorful fruits and vegetables will provide a variety of vitamins, minerals and fiber that children need to grow. Studies show that eating fruits and vegetables can help your child maintain a healthy weight, keep bowels regular and decrease the chance of diseases like heart disease and cancer. Start now to establish a lifetime of healthy eating habits for your children.

Getting kids excited about fruits and vegetables can be a challenge. You may offer fruits and vegetables at mealtimes, but your child refuses. If you have a picky eater who won’t touch a plate with leafy greens or an unfamiliar vegetable, you may be wondering what to do. Try these tips…

For the list of creative, helpful tips that will appeal to kids, see the full version of this article at


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