Even Children Need Help Coping With Stress


By: Nina Chen, Ph.D., CFLE, Human Development Specialist, Jackson County, University of Missouri Extension

No matter how old we are, everyone experiences stress, and children are not an exception…

Stress is a natural response to change, demands or pressures of life such as family changes, job changes, personal loss, illness, changes in lifestyles and more. Stress can be good or bad. Stress can boost our energy to enjoy life more. But too much stress can make us overwhelmed, unhappy and cranky.

Every child reacts to stress differently. Although we cannot change their personalities, we can teach children ways of managing stress and reducing harmful stress…

For tips on helping children learn to cope with stress, which will benefit them throughout their lives, see the full version of this article at http://missourifamilies.org/features/parentingarticles/parenting100.htm

photo credit  – J E Theriot


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