Ease your anxiety to be kind to your heart

By Michelle Kennedy

Anxiety. It can cause sleeplessness, stomach and digestive problems, sweating and can affect memory and concentration. Did you know that anxiety is also a risk factor for heart attacks?

Marty Reed, RN, who works with cardiac rehabilitation patients at Via Christi Hospital in Manhattan, says that research has shown that those who suffered from more anxiety were more likely to develop heart disease and/or suffer a heart attack.

Other symptoms may include:

  • Racing heart beat
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Muscle tension and shakiness
  • Fatigue

Although the emerging link between heart disease and anxiety is still being studied, health professionals suggest that if you do suffer from anxiety, exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. Join a support group or talk to friends and family about the stressors you are facing.

Also, ditch the bad habits. While smoking and overeating may reduce stress initially, the long-term effects are not worth risking your health.

Slow down. Try relaxation breathing meditation or yoga. Learn what calms you and brings joy to your life, and live it!

– See more at: https://www.viachristi.org/blog/ease-your-anxiety-be-kind-your-heart#sthash.xwfHtXLQ.dpuf


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