Faculty Senate to Hold Forum on People in Crisis


Hutchinson, Kan. – The Hutchinson Community College Faculty Senate will host a public forum on February 11, 2015, at 3:00 p.m.  The forum, entitled Second Chances: Rescuing People in Crisis, will be held on the campus of HCC in Shears Technology Center’s Justice Theater, Room 210.

The public, faculty, staff, and students are invited to attend the free forum.

Shara Gonzales from New Beginnings and Kathleen Davis from First Call for Help will present information on the services and processes within Reno County for people who find themselves in life crisis: for example, job loss, housing issues, health issues, and the financial distress that comes with them.

First Call for Help is a catalyst in the delivery and use of community and county services. As a community information center, First Call minimizes duplication, coordinates needed services, locates available resources in Reno County and keeps accurate records.

New Beginnings shelters and rebuilds lives by providing Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, and Permanent Affordable Housing. Supportive Services and Sustainable Building creates Sustainable Living.

HCC Students, family members, work colleagues, and organizational members have come across people in their lives who have had life altering changes, and this forum will give people the knowledge and tools to help others recover from devastating events.

For more information on the forum, contact Dan Pohl, Faculty Senate Forum Coordinator and Faculty Senator (620 345-6672 Cell, 620 665-3334 Office or at [email protected]

For more information on Hutchinson Community College, visit the college website at www.hutchcc.edu – See more at: http://www.hutchcc.edu/news/101833#sthash.HEYszmHi.dpuf


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