Day 11, Kansas Wheat Harvest Report


This is day 11 of the 2015 Kansas Wheat Harvest Reports, brought to you by the Kansas Wheat Commission, Kansas Association of Wheat Growers and the Kansas Grain and Feed Association.

Many farmers were able to wrap up their wheat harvests just in time to celebrate the holiday weekend, but some farmers in northwest Kansas were just starting their harvests in time to enjoy the fireworks from their combine cabs.

Brian Linin, a farmer from Goodland, started his harvest Saturday. He reported yields in good fields making upwards of 70 bushels an acre. He also noted that applying fungicide on these fields paid off. On the other hand, some of his other fields in the area were only making 15 bushels per acre, proving that the variable yields that can be seen statewide can apply at the local level as well.

Linin also reported averages of 60 pound test weights and 11 percent moisture.

David Schemm, a farmer from Sharon Springs, reported being 80 percent complete, and hoped that a day and a half of optimal cutting weather would get the job done. He saw some varied yields with some averaging 28-29 bushels an acre while others reached the low 40s. Schemm noted that he saw more freeze damage in the fields than he was originally anticipating. He said that his crew saw a lot of 70 bushel straw, but only 35 bushel an acre yields.

“It was disappointing to harvest that good of straw with the lower yields,” said Schemm. “But it was encouraging to see more residue in the process in comparison to the last two years.”

Test weights for Schemm ranged from 57-60 pounds per bushel while protein content ranged from 11.5-11.9 percent.

Oberlin farmer Roger May said, “The wheat this year has definitely had a battle.”

May reported that the area’s wheat had dealt with winterkill, freeze damage, drought stress and disease, all before harvest this year. He pointed out that many farmers in the area have been impressed with Denali’s performance. May is currently around 75 percent finished with his harvest. Yields have ranged from 30-50 bushels per acre, while test weights have stayed steady at around 60-62 pounds per bushel.

The 2015 Harvest Report is brought to you by the Kansas Wheat Commission, Kansas Association of Wheat Growers and Kansas Grain and Feed Association.


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