Commodity Highlight—Soybeans


This Just In….Education and Training
Information courtesy of Kansas Farm Bureau’s Education and Training division

Soy! A versatile and useful crop, the legume is known for its use in food, feed, fibers, fuel and fabrication. Soybeans are crucial to United States trade relationships and are vital to the Kansas economy. In highlighting soybeans, here are a few statistics:

In 2012, the average soybean price was $14.40 per bushel. In 2018, it was $8.75 per bushel.
The United States’ top 5 exporters are as follows:
China – 1270 million bushels
Mexico – 182 million bushels
Egypt – 147 million bushels
Netherlands—109 million bushels
Japan—92 million bushels
Here are the top five soybean producing states:
Illinois — 604 million bushels
Iowa — 493 million bushels
Minnesota — 359 million bushels
Indiana — 329 million bushels
Nebraska — 294 million bushels
Resources: USDA ERS Soybeans


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