Columnist Pete Spitzer seeking sponoser for mission trip


Guest columnist Pete Spitzer and his wife have opened a site for an upcoming mission trip to Central America. They are preparing to travel to Guatemala in early October.  Their church has adopted a poverty stricken village in Guatemala, and has provided infrastructure, child sponsorship, and care for the people of the village.

The Spitzer family personally sponsors two children from the village on a monthly basis.

This will be his 5th time travelling to Guatemala and her second time.  They excited to help the village in a sacrificial way, and also to spend time their sponsored children.

The cost for such a trip is expense, and the family has paid for and raised a significant portion of the cost.  However, they still need to raise about $800 to fully fund the trip.  If anyone has the ability and/or is touched their desire to help the people of the village, they would be grateful for any donations. Donations can be made at

Pete’s latest article can be found here.


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