Changes coming to the Kansas State Fair in 2023


Change is the name of the game this year in Hutchinson, as the Kansas State Fair has made big improvements to the infrastructure of the fairgrounds by adding a public address system, new asphalt, and cameras. The public address system can be used to relay weather related information during the fair, lost or missing child calls, and music throughout the fairgrounds.

“Safety is our number one concern here at Kansas State Fair. We want to make sure that when parents come out here with their kids, they feel safe,” said Bryan Schulz, the general manager of the Kansas State Fair.
“On the west side of the grandstand we added a 16 foot high by 20 foot long, grand sized TV,” added Schulz.
But the changes and additions do not stop there.
A new building, the House of Capper, is freshly painted and ready for fair goers.
New foods have also been added for families to try like dessert and pizza box nachos, deep fried cola, and margaritas!

“This year is going to be the first year we’re actually allowed to have some spirits involved. So we’re going to have Jose Cuervo margaritas this year. Brand new to the fair for 2023. We also are going to have the ready to drink cocktails in a can,” said Carrie Thatcher, the owner of Carrie’s Beer Garden.

And of course activities for the whole family, a lip synch battle for kids and a contest for the grown ups that is equally expressive.

“The Iowa State Fair started the husband calling contest. We want to change it up so anybody can participate. So we changed it up to the partner calling contest. That’s brand new,” said Schulz.

For now, big empty rooms are awaiting excited fair goers.
 The Kansas Honey Producer Association has been at the fair for more than fifty years and leaders from the association tell us that setting up for the fair takes three days and more than 20 people, just for their booth.

“We’re setting up for the fair. We configure our counters. We’ve got products that have been made from other beekeepers in the Kansas State area, and we’re gonna put all the labels on them and have a lot of fun,” said Kristi Sanderson, 2nd vice president of KS Honey Producers Association.

If you purchase before September 8th tickets for adults are only $7 and $4 for children and seniors but if you buy tickets after they are $10 for adults and $6 for children and seniors.

There are also other ways to get cheaper tickets to the State Fair, like going on Dillons Day Monday September 11th when admission is $1 or free with a Dillons plus card. Friday September 8th admission is $2 for people ages 55 and older. Friday September 15th admission is only $2 for Kansas Lottery PlayOn members. Tuesday September 12th and Thursday September 14th admission is $4 after 4 p.m. and everyday admission is only $5 after 9 p.m.



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