CentralKansas 4-H to Award Scholarships to 64 Students



MANHATTAN, Kan. – The Kansas 4-H Foundation has selected 64 students to share more than $59,000 in scholarships, rewarding them for their dedication and leadership as Kansas 4-H members.

The scholarships fund post-secondary education during the 2015-16 academic year and will be awarded at the 2015 Emerald Circle Banquet, May 28, in Manhattan.

“Assisting our 4-H members in pursuit of higher education, where they will apply the skills and knowledge gained through 4-H, is a privilege and honor for our donors. We couldn’t be more pleased to award scholarships to these deserving young men and women,” said Jake Worchester, president of the foundation.

Scholarship recipients are 4-H members selected through an annual application and review process. Applications are judged with emphasis on 4-H leadership, citizenship and involvement. Many of the scholarship donors are former 4-H members.

2015-16 Kansas 4-H Foundation scholarships are listed by the recipient’s hometown, followed by the scholarship recipient’s name, and donor:


City Name and Local Extension Unit Award
Abilene: Christina Hoffman, Dickinson Mandy and Joseph Kern
Atla Vista: April Ascher, Riley Frank W. and Gwen Romine Jordan
Auburn: Luke Garrison, Shawnee Master Farmer-Farm Homemaker
Axtell: Audrey Schmitz, Marshall Glenn M. and Rosemary Busset
Axtell: Tricia Schmitz, Marshall Marceil Gradwohl 4-H
Axtell: Tracy Schmitz, Marshall Winter Family Grants
Baileyville: Tyler Deters, Meadowlark Kansas Association of Wheatgrowers
Berryton: Kelsey Wulfkuhle, Douglas Roscoe M. and Winona M. Starkey
Brewster: Layton Werth, Thomas Nathan Carrol Memorial
Brookville: Collyn Fouard, Central Kansas Orscheln Farm and Home 4-H
Bucyrus: Sara Guetterman, Johnson Roy B. and Elizabeth Curry Oyer
Burrton: Blake Foraker, Sedgwick Frank W. and Gwen Romine Jordan
Chapman: Kyler Langvardt, Geary Orscheln Farm and Home 4-H
Clifton: Blade Winter, River Valley Orscheln Farm and Home 4-H
Colby: Sarah Lamm, Thomas, Pierre C. Henry
Dodge City: Rachel Robertson, Ford June Beaver 4-H
Effingham: Bridgett Kelly, Atchison John Junior and Ula Armstrong
Emporia: Arissa Moyer, Lyon June Beaver 4-H
Emporia: Sarah Moyer, Lyon William G. and Marita Jean (Spiers)
Fredonia: Leah Kimzey, Wilson June Beaver 4-H
Garden City: Linda Bilberry, Finney A.B. Mahieu
Hartford: Brianna Zweimiller, Lyon Extension -Step Ahead – SE
Holcomb: Ashley Mongeau, Finney Clara L. Dubbs 4-H
Hoyt: MaRyka Smith, Meadowlark Elmer and Mary Schlagel Pelton
Humboldt: Anna Setter, Southwind – Iola Mary Lou Gibbs
Hutchinson: Thomas Fink, Reno Jack and Lindy Lindquist 4-H Youth
Council Leadership
Lawrence: Karen Schneck, Douglas Frank W. and Gwen Romine Jordan
Lawrence: Ryal Mitchell, Douglas Ross and Marianna Beach Foundation
Leavenworth: Leah Parsons, Leavenworth Extension Step Ahead – NE
Lenexa: Josh Gregory, Johnson Kansas 4-H Youth Development
Lenexa: Julia Shields, Johnson Warren L. and Mabel Johnson and
Ann Johnson Sparke 4-H
Madison: Samuel Davis, Greenwood John L. Wilson Memorial
Manhattan: Anna Jackson, Riley Frank W. and Gwen Romine Jordan
Manhattan: Chase Reed, Cowley Cecil and Merle Eyestone
McLouth: Carl Hecht, Leavenworth Roger E. Regnier
McPherson: Michael McKinney, McPherson Orscheln Farm and Home 4-H
Meade: Jacqueline Clawson, Meade Donald E. Leu
Meriden: Boyd Roenne, Meadowlark Orscheln Farm and Home 4-H
Meriden: Jennifer McNary, Meadowlark Frank W. and Gwen Romine Jordan
Olathe: Megan McLaughlin, Johnson June Beaver 4-H
Olathe: Niccole Miller, Marais des Cygnes Goppert Southeast Kansas
Onaga: Mitchell Duer, Pottawatomie Orscheln Farm and Home 4-H
Oskaloosa: Ashley Nelson, Meadowlark Andrew J. Clawson Memorial 4-H
Phillipsburg: Justin Turner, Phillips Rooks Douglas F. & Linda Beech
Pratt: Austin Black, Pratt Orscheln Farm and Home 4-H
Pratt: Taylor DeWeese, Pratt J. Harold and LaVerne Johnson
Ransom: Marta Payne, Walnut Creek Allan and Carolyn Harms Family
Rozel: Megan Milch, Pawnee Extension – Step Ahead – SW
Rush Center: Traci Ross, Walnut Creek J. Clifton and Helen F. Ramsey
Salina: Shaylee Arpin, Central Kansas Donald E. Leu
Salina: Justin Schmutz, Central Kansas Gary and Lorraine Kilgore 4-H
Salina: Zoe Woolsoncroft, Central Kansas Frances W. Dunbar Memorial 4-H
Shawnee: Michaela Mense, Johnson A. Lois Redman 4-H
Spring Hill: Brenna Ewing, Johnson Orscheln Farm and Home 4-H
Spring Hill: Tessa Davids, Marais des Cygnes Goppert Southeast Kansas
Tescott: Evan Morrical, Central Kansas Georgia Wertzberger
Topeka: Antonio Ramonda-Pruitt, Shawnee Ross E. and Margaret Colman
Ulysses: Mercedes Rodriguez, Grant Mary E. Border
Valley Center: Jill Seiler, Sedgwick Thomas Potter II 4-H
Wallace: Chanity Daily, Sunflower Extension Step Ahead – NW
Wamego: Annette Trieb, Riley John C. Carter Memorial
Washington: Gabryelle Gilliam, River Valley Oscar W. Norby
Wichita: Jameson Jones, Sedgwick Winter Family Grants


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