Celebrating the 150th anniversary of Swiss Volhynian immigration


An important event is coming – the 150th anniversary of our Swiss Volhynian ancestors coming to the U.S. in 1874. We will celebrate all year ending with special events on August 22-25, 2024, at Eden Mennonite Church, Moundridge, Kansas.
The first event will be Old Fashioned Plowing Bee on 22 acres west of the Moundridge Museum on Saturday, July 15, 2023. 8:30-2:00. Afternoon Vintage Tractor plowing demonstration. Glen Goering, Darrell Schrag, Nathan Graber and the Ag Committee have invited horse and plow owners from around the state to show us how plowing was done with horses. Concessions will be available from Lone Tree Mennonite and a tent for shade. You might bring a lawn chair. The Museum will also be open. Some of you have never seen horses working the field so come out and see it on Saturday, July 15.
About 150 years ago, back in 1874, many groups were leaving Russia to travel to America. One of those was a group of Swiss Mennonite families who were about to start a new life near Moundridge, Kansas and Freeman South Dakota.
Known as, “Schweitzers,” because of their unique German dialect, they sold what they had and kept only what they could carry as they started their journey by horse and wagon, trains, and ships from villages in Russia, all the way to the middle of the United States.
It was a journey of faith, brought on because of their faith. They were thankful for over 100 years of benefits in Russia including good land for farming and an exemption from serving in the military because of their pacificist views. But those benefits were about to change, so it was time to go. They trusted that God was leading them to leave and that He would take care of them along the way.
It wasn’t always easy, but God did take care of them. Today, there are many families who can trace their roots back to those bold followers of Christ who traveled from Switzerland, to France, Germany, Austria, Poland and Ukraine and then to the U.S. still speaking their Schweitzer dialect.
Schweitzers and Friends (that includes you) are invited to a celebration in honor of the faith and courage of those brave pioneers.
We’ll kick it off this summer with an old-fashioned plowing bee, to be held just west of the museum in Moundridge Kansas. Then in the fall we’ll use historical methods to plant Turkey Red Wheat, the same variety of wheat, the same variety of wheat that they brought over from Russia that helped them begin farming as soon as they arrived.
There will be a variety of events in 2023 and 2024 all leading up to a celebration together on August 22 thru 25, 2024, at the Eden Mennonite Church in Rural Moundridge. Included will be tours to nearby historical sites, outdoor farm equipment displays, indoor exhibits, history seminars, music, storytelling and more. Schweitzers AND FRIENDS are welcome to attend and enjoy the fun.
This special celebration of faith and courage demonstrated 150 years ago, continues to inspire faith and courage for the years ahead.


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