Great Plains Grazing is hosting the online event for all interested in the topic.
Many consumers have minimal understanding of where their food comes from, how it is produced and how production, particularly of beef, impacts the environment.
A program, “Does Climate Change Your Plate” was developed to address that and other issues such as the difference between weather and climate, the amount of greenhouse gasses linked to all sources including agriculture, and looking particularly at the contributions from beef production. Topics such as how changing climate may impact a consumer’s pocketbook, nutrition and health concerns associated with beef, how consumers can adapt to higher costs and better food choice options and finally how they, through their food buying and eating choices, can ensure that resources used during production are not wasted are also addressed.
Great Plains Grazing team member and Oklahoma Cooperative Extension food specialist, Barbara Brown, will present “Does Climate Change Your Plate” in a free webinar at 1:30 p.m. (CDT) on Tuesday, Aug. 23. The webinar, presented by Great Plains Grazing, a collaboration of universities and other organizations and agencies, is open to anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of what consumers need to know about the impact of beef cattle on the environment and their role in the process from purchase through consumption. Kansas State University is a collaborator in Great Plains Grazing.
To register for the webinar:
Webinar participants can expect to learn highlights of:
The amount of greenhouse gasses EPA shows are the result of livestock production;
- Potential impacts of climate change on consumer prices for beef and adaptation strategies;
- Health issues consumers consider when making protein choices; and
- The consumers’ role in reducing food waste and reducing harmful impacts on the environment.
Barbara Brown has been a food specialist with the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service since 1981. She has worked on programs that help consumers learn skills and make choices to make food more nutritious, better tasting, safer and more economical. A sample of her work is on Oklahoma Gardening, a television program produced at OSU and broadcast on Oklahoma Public Television and available on YouTube. Barbara has bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Kansas State University in food and nutrition and a Ph.D. from OSU in home economics. She is a registered and licensed dietitian.
Great Plains Grazing is made possible by a U.S. Department of Agriculture Agriculture and Food Research Initiative-Coordinated Agricultural Project (USDA-AFRI-CAP) grant. Its webinar series aims to provide research-based information, and is targeted for producers and extension agents. Previous webinars are archived and available for viewing on the Great Plains Grazing website at