Be more self-aware: What is your body telling you?


If your daily mantra is “Go-go-go,” you are not alone! Our schedules are so filled with events and to-do lists that we often suppress the signals to slow down that our bodies send. Signals such as fatigue, headache, cracked lips, irritability or brittle nails could mean we need to slow down and take care of ourselves.

Ignoring these body signals demonstrates a lack of self-awareness. These signals may be gentle taps on our shoulders alerting us to deeper imbalances or problems. We need to stop, pay attention and decode the messages. For instance, our first reaction to a slight headache shouldn’t be to take a painkiller, but rather to take a moment to figure out why we have a headache. It could be a sign of dehydration, stress or something deeper…

For some examples of health issues and the important signals we may be receiving, see the full version of this article at


Lydia Kaume, Ph.D., RDN, LD, Assistant Extension Professional, Nutrition and Health Education Specialist, Jackson County, University of Missouri Extension


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