Kansas House Legislature Resolution Declares AUGUST 22ND, 2025 ANTIQUE
TRACTOR PRESERVATION DAY To be Observed Annually in the State of Kansas.
Kansas leads the Nation with adoption of Historic Resolution recognizing America’s Agricultural Heritage & Tractor Preservation.
TOPEKA, KS (March 05, 2025) – The Kansas House Legislature announced today, during its 2025-2026 Legislative Session, an historic Resolution declaring August 22nd, 2025 Antique Tractor Preservation Day, to be observed ANNUALLY throughout the State of Kansas. The Resolution received 56 Legislative Co-Signers and was awarded to Michael Hinton, Founder, Antique Tractor Preservation Day, and Owner/CEO of www.TalkingTractors.com. The Resolution holds further significance in that it was bequeathed to Hinton and the People of Kansas the same week Governor Laura Kelly proclaimed March 2025 Kansas Agriculture Month.
Representative Kevin Schwertfeger (Republican), Kansas House of Representatives-District 114 spearheaded the efforts for the Resolution, commenting “This Resolution brings further focus to the relevance of vintage farm machinery in the State of Kansas – Where America’s agriculture ancestry resonates. Michael Hinton’s passion for Antique Tractor Preservation keeps our American farming history alive, for appreciation by older and younger generations!”
Hinton, a member of the Great Plains Antique Tractor Club [GPATC], Hutchinson, Kans., expressed his appreciation of Representative Schwertfeger and the Kansas House Legislature, reaffirming “This Resolution underscores the importance of how the tractor transformed American farming, and the connection to our state’s core rural heritage – not just as imperative farm machinery used for agriculture production, but also its ever-present place in one’s family’s history. My vision for Antique Tractor Preservation Day is that its awareness continues to heighten and is celebrated by Tractor Clubs, Schools, and communities across Kansas, throughout the United States, and Worldwide – consistent with what occurred in 2024, following Kansas Governor Laura Kelly’s Proclamation. This Resolution is symbolic of America’s Farmers & Antique Tractor Enthusiasts and is Good for Kansas and all of Agriculture!”