American Agri-Women is celebrating 40 years


American Agri-Women (AAW) is celebrating 40 years advocating for agriculture with its “Drive Across America” and is pleased to collaborate with Bayer CropScience as a sponsor.

AAW is the nation’s largest coalition of farm, ranch and agri-business women. Members of the AAW leadership team and others are planning a five-month trek across much of the U.S.  They will drive in a specially-wrapped pick-up truck and participate in educational, network and advocacy events hosted by AAW’s affiliates.

As part of the Drive Across America, American Agri-Women will stop at the Bayer CropScience North American Bee Care Center on June 12, for a special event to celebrate and share the work being done through the Bayer Bee Care Program, and agriculture’s overall efforts to promote the health of pollinators. American Agri-Women has recently partnered with Bayer CropScience as part of the Feed A Bee initiative.

“Pollinators are critical to the future of the world’s food supply and we commend Bayer CropScience for their commitment to research and recommendations for sound, science-based, sustainable management practices,” says AAW President Sue McCrum. “We’re so pleased to partner with Bayer CropScience and the Feed a Bee program. All of us can play a role in establishing habitats for honey bees. It’s a simple as planting a flower and we plan to plant many seeds on our Drive Across America.”

The Bayer CropScience North American Bee Care Center is a $2.4 million facility that brings together significant technological, scientific and academic resources, with goals of promoting improved honey bee health, product stewardship and sustainable agriculture.

”Bayer CropScience is proud to collaborate with American Agri-Women as part of our Feed A Bee platform and the Drive Across America Effort,” said Becky Langer, manager of the North American Bee Care Program. “We share the vision of advocating for the agriculture industry, and honey bees are an important part of modern agriculture production.”

More about the North American Bee Care Center

The North American Bee Care Center, Research Triangle Park, N.C. is a 6,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art facility. The center complements the Eastern Bee Care Technology Station in Clayton, N.C., and a Bee Care Center at the joint global headquarters campus of Bayer CropScience and Bayer Animal Health in Monheim, Germany.

The North American Bee Care Center, part of the company’s $12 million investment in bee health in 2014, brings together some of the brightest minds in agriculture and apiology to develop comprehensive solutions for bee health. This includes entomologists and apiarists, graduate researchers and more, all of whom are invested in the continuation of Bayer CropScience’s commitment to honey bee health excellence.

The center houses a full laboratory with a teaching and research apiary, honey extraction and hive maintenance space; interactive learning center; and meeting, training and presentation facilities for beekeepers, farmers and educators, as well as office space for a full staff and graduate students. On-site honey bee colonies, pollinator-friendly gardens and a screened hive observation area serve to further education and collaboration that will foster significant improvement in honey bee health and stewardship measures and best management practices.

Drive Across America Sponsors

In addition to Bayer CropScience, leading agriculture, agri-business and marketing organizations are sponsoring the drive:

  •  McCain Foods USA processes potatoes from family farmers throughout North America.
  • Penobscot McCrum is a vertically integrated company that specializes in every aspect of potatoes.
  • The Renewable Fuels Assn. is the authoritative voice of the U.S. ethanol industry.
  • Syngenta is one of the world’s leading companies with more than 28,000 employees in more than 90 countries dedicated to this purpose: Bringing plant potential to life.
  • CCI Marketing is a leading agricultural public relations and marketing firm and supports AAW with its AgPR news service.
  •  CoBank is a member of the Farm Credit System, a nationwide network supporting the borrowing needs of U.S. agriculture and the nation’s rural economy.
  • Valent USA develops and markets products that protect agricultural crops, enhance crop yields, improve food quality, beautify the environment and safeguard public health.
  • Freestyle Productions is a full-service event production company that produces dynamic videos, webcasts, events and more.
  •  Sunrise Agricultural Associates is global network of agricultural, legal and educational professionals.

Agri-Pulse Communications is media partner for the Drive. Agri-Pulse is a diversified communications firm that is a trusted farm and rural policy resource in Washington, D.C.

AAW’s more than 50 state and commodity affiliates are also supporting the campaign through events, financial support and more.

About American Agri-Women

American Agri-Women promotes the welfare of our national security through a safe and reliable food, fiber and mineral supply. Since 1974, AAW members have worked together to educate consumers; advocate for agriculture; and offer networking and professional development opportunities. Go to the AAW web site for more information and to join, Find AAW on social media at: and (@Women4Ag).

Follow the event on Twitter with the hashtag #AAW40years or #FeedABee or follow the event on Facebook,

Image: Feed a Bee logo


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