Young Farmers & Ranchers Conference brings 450 Up and Coming Farmers to Kansas


Young Farmers & Ranchers focus on ‘Maximizing Efficiency’

MANHATTAN – More than 450 young farmers and ranchers from across the state attended a three-day Kansas Farm Bureau conference designed to maximize efficiency on their family operations.
Held in Manhattan Jan. 29-31, the annual Young Farmers & Ranchers conference is designed to provide producers between the ages of 18-35 with agricultural education, motivational speakers and opportunities to connect with industry resources and network with peers.
Young farmers and ranchers from 86 counties participated in this year’s event.
“This event empowers our attendees to return home with the tools and knowledge to make positive changes on their farms, families and communities,” says Edie Doane, YF&R manager.
State committee members from each of the 10 Kansas Farm Bureau districts planned and hosted a multitude of workshops, speakers and competitions during the weekend conference.
“The YF&R state committee played an integral part in making this year’s conference a success,” Doane says.
Vance Crowe from Monsanto and Alden Mills, a former Navy SEAL and entrepreneur, delivered the keynote addresses. Participants also heard from Sen. Jerry Moran and Kansas Department of Agriculture Secretary Jackie McCaskey.
Competitions included the Collegiate and YF&R Discussion Meet, YF&R of the Year and the Ag Quiz Bowl.

Kansas Farm Bureau represents grassroots agriculture. Established in 1919, this non-profit advocacy organization supports farm families who earn their living in a changing industry.


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