Women in Agriculture: Maintaining Good Mental Health in Today’s Environment


Maintaining Good Mental Health in Today’s Environment is the topic of this fall’s Saline County Women in Ag meeting scheduled for Thursday, November 17. The speaker will be Pat Kinnaird, Central Kansas Mental Health Center Community Relations Specialist.

Good mental health plays an important role in maintaining good overall health.  What do stress and depression look like as we go about living our busy lives?  What can we do to manage them for better health?    This meeting will provide you with ideas and helpful tips that will help you, as well as those you love, when struggling with stress during the holidays.

If you are a woman involved in agriculture, whether producer, spouse, or landlord, or are interested in learning more, plan to attend this free Women in Ag program.  The session will be at the Redeemer Lutheran Church at 743 E. Magnolia, Salina, KS.  Registration begins at 6 p.m. followed by the meeting at 6:30 pm. Drinks and dessert will be served. Pre-registration is requested.  Call the K-State Research & Extension office in Salina, at 785-309-5850 by November 10 to register.

This Women in Ag meeting is sponsored by K-State Research & Extension-Central Kansas District, Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, American Ag Credit, Saline County Conservation District, and Saline County Farm Bureau


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