Wheat Scoop: Contribute to the future of Kansas wheat farming this season

Kansas Wheat


For audio version, visit kansaswheat.org.

Whether Dasher gives a dollar, Blitzen gifts a bushel or Rudolph donates an acre, all contributions are welcomed this holiday season by the Kansas Wheat Commission Research Foundation (KWCRF). These tax-deductible donations are used to fund ongoing wheat research programs, support students and technicians working in research fields and maintain the technology and facilities necessary to ensure Kansas wheat farmers have a very merry harvest now and into the future.

“Contributing to the KWCRF is investing in the future of Kansas wheat farming,” said Aaron Harries, Kansas Wheat vice president of research and operations. “Through KWCRF, donations from farmers, cooperatives and corporations build on the proud history of wheat research in Kansas and play a major role in ensuring that tradition continues to provide a bright future for the next generation of Kansas wheat producers.”

The KWCRF was established in 2011 as the official research fundraising organization for the Kansas Wheat Commission. Governed by a volunteer board, gifts to the foundation are tax-deductible and used solely for funding wheat research. These donations are used for wheat research that improves the profitability of farmers while improving the quality of wheat for end-users. Additionally, these funds help keep a full pipeline of research talent and provide long-term support of the technology and facilities needed for this work.

Even better than a full glass of milk and a plate of cookies, any gift made to the KWCRF by June 30, 2022, qualifies to be matched dollar-by-dollar by a gift from the Kansas Wheat Commission, up to a total of $1 million.

In addition to cash donations, the KWCRF can also accept many assets as charitable contributions, including land, grain, stocks, real estate, retirement plan disbursements and life insurance policies. KWCRF will work with donors and their professional advisors to create giving strategies that meet the goals of the donor and their families.

“For more than a half-century, Kansas wheat farmers have contributed millions of their hard-earned dollars toward wheat research through the wheat checkoff,” Harries said. “As costs of research continue to increase while government funding decreases, the KWCRF established a way for all segments of the wheat industry to help support research funding above and beyond the resources of the checkoff.”

Donate to the KWCRF in one of three ways:
• Online using a credit card or PayPal. https://fieldsforward.org/donatetoday/
• Mail your check to: KWCRF, 1990 Kimball Ave., Manhattan, KS 66502
• Transfer Assets. Contact us to give stocks, grain, real estate or other assets.

Visit fieldsforward.org to learn more about the Kansas Wheat Commission Research Foundation.

The Kansas Wheat Commission Research Foundation was established in 2011 as the official research fundraising organization for the Kansas Wheat Commission. It is a separate, independent entity chartered by the state of Kansas as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit research corporation. Gifts made to the Research Foundation are used solely for the purpose of funding wheat research. Gifts to the foundation are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. A volunteer board governs the Foundation.

Written by Julia Debes for Kansas Wheat



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