Veterinary Feed Directive webinar



The Veterinary Feed Directive took effect on Oct. 1 and will go into full implementation on Jan. 1, 2017. It’s important to get up-to-speed on this issue quickly.

“Now is the time to learn what the Veterinary Feed Directive is, how it will impact your operation, and what steps you can take to comply,” says Nancy Brown, assistant director of commodities for KFB. “This is an issue that has a heavy impact on the livestock industry and it’s important for producers to educate themselves early.”

A webinar on Dec. 1 at 7 p.m. will discuss antibiotic use on the farm. Dr. Brian Lubbers with K-State College of Vet Medicine will present. Visit to find out how to join the webinar.

If you’re attending the Kansas Farm Bureau annual meeting, a workshop on this topic will be available with Dr. Mike Apley at 9:45 a.m. on Dec. 7.


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