Remotely Operated Agriculture Mapping


All Drone Solutions, a locally owned and managed organization, is to demonstrate and launch ROAM™ – Remotely Operated Agriculture Mapping solution for growers and agronomists at the World Ag Expo , Feb. 9-11, Building C Booth 3816. An in-house and portable local processing system for multispectral and thermal data acquired via drone or UAS. ROAM works world wide but our focus is currently on creating solutions and tools for California growers battling our current drought and limits to strict water usage. We take our data BEYOND NDVI™.
All Drone Solutions has teamed up with industry leaders in remote sensing and image analysis and has created a turnkey solution to precision agriculture drone-based mapping. The industry standard has been using standard consumer RGB (ordinary color) cameras that have been modified to collect the data required to make vegetation index maps such as NDVI. The ROAM system uses a true multispectral camera. And, it includes the industry’s only multi-parameter image analyses that can be carried out on-site on local laptop computers. This means that the farmer or consultant can fly today and make important decisions the same day. This gets around the problem of poor access to Cloud-based services, which offer only “black box” processing … processing that often leaves information behind. ROAM puts the power of information-from-imagery into the hands of the consultant or farmer. Full turnkey solutions are available with hardware and software produced right here in Exeter, California.

The full ROAM system includes a drone, a five-band multispectral camera, a ground station, a laptop computer, and all of the required software. This is a one-of-a-kind system that allows farmers or consultants to take advantage of state-of-the-art agriculture mapping capabilities and be able to provide timely maps to farmers on the same day. ROAM™ is also the only system available that allows for consulting and custom processing of the maps they create. The accurately calibrated datathat our multispectral camera collects allows us to offer additional map processing options that go beyond just the making of an NDVI map. So you, the customer, are not stuck with only those options being presented by Cloud-based services. ROAM™ takes your maps to the next level to help you with activities such as early detection of developing problems in your fields, specific disease detection, plant inventory, growth and change mapping, and other precision farming applications. ROAM™ products also include other GIS items such as digital surface models, point-cloud data (.LAS files), terrain elevation maps, and plant/tree height maps.

About All Drone Solutions

All Drone Solutions is based in the agricultural rich San Joaquin Valley-in the quaint town of Exeter, California. Their company slogan is “The sky is no longer the limit!” Their mission is to collaborate with the highest of quality hardware companies and the most advanced software engineers to bring a Turn-Key solution that is not only safe but easy to use for any farmer or consultant. Their drone packages are custom built to fit each of their customer’s unique needs.  All packages include a lesson in safe flying habits and a detailed course in the complete operation of the drone and its features to ensure each customer’s success and complete satisfaction. For more information visit


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