Public Hearing on Wichita ASR Project to Continue


The public hearing to address the City of Wichita’s proposed modifications to Phase II of the city’s Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project will continue in February and, if necessary, in March. The hearing will continue to take place at the First Mennonite Church, 427 W. 4th in Halstead, on February 10–12 and March 2–6, 2020, as necessary.

This formal phase of the administrative hearing for this matter was not completed after it began in December 2019, resulting in this continuation of the hearing on the new dates. The proceedings will begin each day at 9:00 a.m. and will end each day no later than 5:00 p.m. except on February 12 and March 4, when they will end no later than 3:00 p.m.

These proceedings are open to the public. Although there will be no designated time for oral public comments, the public and all interested parties are invited to submit written comments either in person at the hearing, or by sending them via email to or by mail to Ronda Hutton, Kansas Department of Agriculture, 1320 Research Park Drive, Manhattan, KS 66502, attn: Wichita ASR Project Testimony.

More information on the proposed modifications is available online at KDA–DWR’s website: Updated information, including any scheduling changes, will be made available on that site.’



(Kansas Department of Agriculture)


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