Local food and farm task force to meet

The Local Food and Farm Task Force will meet at 10 a.m. on Friday, November 14, 2014 for their first organizational meeting. The meeting will be held at the Kansas Department of Agriculture (KDA), 1320 Research Park Drive, Manhattan, Kansas 66502.

MANHATTAN, Kan. – The Local Food and Farm Task Force will meet at 10 a.m. on Friday, November 14, 2014 for their first organizational meeting. The meeting will be held at the Kansas Department of Agriculture (KDA), 1320 Research Park Drive, Manhattan, Kansas 66502.

This task force was established with the passage of SB 286 in the 2014 session of the Kansas Legislature.  The Task Force is responsible for preparing a local food and farm plan containing policy and funding recommendations in order to increase locally grown food production.

The Task Force is composed of seven members, three, including the chairman, are appointed by Gov. Sam Brownback.  The task force members are as follows: Ron Brown, Ft. Scott, Kansas;  David Coltrain, Garden City, Kansas;  Loren Swenson, Concordia, Kansas; Sen. Dan Kerschen, Garden Plain, Kansas;  Rep. Adam Lusker, Frontenac, Kansas; Cary L. Rivard, Olathe, Kansas and Annarose (Hart) White, Wellington, Kansas. This task force will sunset on Dec. 31, 2015.

Brown has being appointed to serve as chairperson. He is self-employed on his family farm and currently serves as an executive board member for the National Association of Conservation Districts.

The staff of the KDA will provide assistance as requested by the task force and will facilitate the organization and start-up of the task force.

The meeting is open to the public. A break for lunch is scheduled and will be provided for appointed members of the task force.

Individuals who have questions regarding the meeting should contact KDA marketing director, Kerry Wefald at [email protected] for more information. Persons who require special accommodations must make their needs known at least two days prior to the meeting.


WHO: Local Food and Farm Task Force

WHAT: Organizational Meeting

WHEN: Friday, November 14, 2014 10 a.m.

WHERE:  Kansas Department of Agriculture, 1320 Research Park Drive, Manhattan, Kansas 66502


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