Kansas Protein Foods to open in former CHS facility in Hutchinson


Hutchinson Kansas (March 28, 2018) – Kansas Protein Foods, LLC, a newly formed subsidiary of Kansas Ethanol, LLC, a large ethanol producer located in Rice County between Sterling and Lyons, announced today that it has purchased the closed CHS Foods facility in Hutchinson’s industrial district and will immediately begin the process of putting it back into production.  While rebuilding the customer base for the business, which closed December 1, 2017, will take time, the plant is projected to reach employment of at least 50 within four years.


“We will make the same flavored and unflavored soy protein products for which the plant was designed, “said Mike Chisam, CEO of Kansas Ethanol, LLC.  “We are very pleased that we will be able to retain Buell McArthur, Plant Manager, and a few of the core group of people who were running the plant before it closed.  This will speed our ability to bring the plant back online and to take advantage of some potential growth opportunities,” he continued.


“It has been a pleasure to work with Mike Chisam and the Kansas Ethanol team on this project,” said Debra Teufel, President and CEO of the Hutchinson/Reno County Chamber of Commerce.  “I really appreciate the way the City of Hutchinson, Reno County, and the Kansas Department of Commerce have responded to encourage this excellent outcome which will bring jobs back to this facility.  Having an area company reinvest here makes a very powerful statement about Hutchinson as a quality location for businesses to grow.”


“During its ownership, CHS made a number of good upgrades to the plant and improved the safety for employees,” said Buell McArthur, plant manager.   “We expect to bring in some additional equipment which will streamline specific steps in the production process and further enhance safety.  Kansas Ethanol is known as a very good and stable employer at its ethanol facility and we expect to do the same here at Kansas Protein Foods.”


Prospective employees should submit online resumes to Danielle Gillespie at [email protected].


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