Kansas Agricultural Statistics


The Kansas Department of Agriculture collects, maintains and disseminates statistics about agriculture, as well as works to provide accurate and current information about the Kansas agriculture industry.

Participate in the Bluestem Pasture Survey

Regular information provided from the department includes:

Kansas Hay Report (updated weekly on Tuesday)
Kansas Sunflower Report (updated weekly)
Kansas Farm Facts
Bluestem Pasture
Custom Rates

Other reports published by the National Agricultural Statistics Service include:

Weekly Crop Progress and Condition – A summary of the previous week’s crop progress and conditions and weather information.

Crops – Monthly reports cover acreage, crop production, grain stocks, farm income, land values, exports and wheat quality.

Prices – Select state and mid-month average prices received, price indices and annual estimates of prices paid by farmers.

Livestock – A summary of reports released including cattle inventory, calf crop, cattle on feed, slaughter, milk and dairy products, sheep and goats.

Hogs and Pigs – An inventory of hogs and pigs, pig crop and farrowing intentions.

Wheat Varieties – Reports on varieties of wheat seeded in the state, funded by Kansas Wheat.

Agricultural Land Values and Cash Rents – Land values in the state, along with county-level cash rental rates.


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