K-State Recognizes ‘Top Hand’ at 2015 Cattle Feeders College


SCOTT CITY, Kan. — Kansas State University in cooperation with Merck Animal Health recognized Roy Browning of Deseret Cattle Feeders as the recipient of the “Top Hand” award at the 2015 K-State Cattle Feeders College held May 14 in Scott City, Kansas.

The “Top Hand” award was initiated in 2010 to recognize outstanding employees in the commercial feeding industry.

“The cattle feeding industry is full of honest, hard-working men and women that do their jobs and do them well. The Top Hand award provides cattle feeders with a unique opportunity to thank the men and women of their operations that go above and beyond their job descriptions every day,” said Justin Waggoner, K-State Research and Extension  beef specialist, the coordinator of the awards and the Cattle Feeders College, “These individuals have shown an exceptional amount of dedication to their employers and the industry.”

Roy began working for the yard on the processing crew in 1978. Over the 37 years, he has seen the name change from Master Feeders, to Hitch Feeders II, and most recently to Deseret Cattle Feeders, in 2010.

Michael Archibald, Deseret general manager, nominated Roy for the award. “Roy exhibits a positive attitude and will be where he is needed, when he is needed and will do what it takes to get the job done,” Archibald wrote in the nomination. “He has worked on several difficult projects and has always stepped up to the plate and been an advocate to make sure the change occurs and that others rally around the cause.”

As part of the award, Roy was presented with a custom knife by Chance Morrow of  Merck Animal Health.


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